Skulle kanske inte sagt att Mrs F sköter sig ok ändå för ikväll var hon på dåligt humör igen! Såhär såg vår konversation ut efter middagen:
Minna: So Mrs. F, tomorrow you´ll get a wake up call at 5.30 am (wake up call means I have to go into her room and personally wake her up because she´s half deaf)) and then we meet for breakfast at 6.15.
At 7.15am we have to leave in order to make it to jhb in time…
Mrs. F– But I can´t eat in 45 minutes. I need an hour and a half!
Minna: Ok, no problem. Maybe I can organize a packed breakfast for you to take onboard the bus?
Mrs. F: But I want cereal & milk!
Minna: That might be a bit messy on the bus…But what if you try and eat some cereal during the 45 minutes you have and if you can´t finish it all we can bring some fruit for the journey…
Mrs. F- I can´t chew fruit. You should know that!
Minna: But what about a banana..It´s nice and soft.
Mrs. F: I hate Banana!
Pause…deep breath…
Minna: A sandwich then?
Mrs. F– I want my cereal! And if you´re gonna ruin my morning you can leave without me. I am not gonna be able to enjoy the day anyway. I will not eat at all!
Mrs. F storms off…
I go up to her and tell her to stop acting like a little child and just try to suck it up for one morning..I hand her some cereal and milk to bring to her room and tell her to go to bed and try to get some sleep!
She first looks at me in horror and shock but then she accepts it and off she goes,…But before she does…she tells me what a wonderful day it´s been!…
We´re now on day 12 of tour and we have similar kind of conversations every day, Mrs. F and I.
In my job there´s never a dull moment..Not with people like Mrs. F in your group and somehow I´ve actually started to like this grumpy little lady…
But still..Another 18 days seems like a lifetime right now…
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